Best boss fights - watch video version
The Wolverine V2 controller

PlayStation 5 launch at Oxford Circus

Warrior 64 (Metal Jesus Rocks review)

Super Metroid - Ridley

Mother Brain

Final Fantasy - Emerald Weapon

Guitar Hero 3 - The Devil

South Park - giant Hitler featus baby thingy

Mortal Kombat - Goro & Motaro

Borderlands 3 - Katagawa Jr

Resident Evil 2 - Mr X

Resident Evil 4 - U-3

Ocarina Of Time - Phantom Ganon

Ocarina Of Time - TwinRova

Twilight Princess - Armogohma

Ocarina Of Time - Wall Masters

Breath Of The Wild - Thundeblight

Breath Of The Wild - Monk Man Koshia

Breath Of The Wild motorcycle

Silent Hill - Pyramid Head

Sean's 3d printed Buster Sword (visit his insta)

Resident Evil 3 remake - Nemesis

Phantasy Star Online 1 & 2 - Dragon
Phantasy Star Online 1 & 2 - De Rol Le

Resident Evil 7 - Evelyn